With 56,000 denominations of Christianity, all divisively splitting hairs over doctrine, is there a way to clearly define “The Gospel”?
The languages of Jesus and the Old Testament both offer fascinating clues.
In the Old Testament, the Hebrew root word, רשַׂבָּ basar is used for “good news” or “gospel”:
basar in English means; “good tidings” or “good news” and is used 24 times in the Old Testament
The same three Hebrew root letters of “good news” רשַׂבָּ also means “flesh.”
This may be an interesting coincidence or, is there be a deeper, dual and prophetic interpretation?
Using the language of Jesus in the New Testament, we find that the word “gospel” also has a dual meaning of “flesh” as does the Hebrew.
1 John 4:2 and 2 John 1:7 both state that, "every spirit that confesses that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is of God.
The Bible offers insight how to evaluate "a spirit" (demon or angel) to determine if it comes from God or the enemy.
How do we do this?
If this spirit is able to confess that Ye’shua Messiah (“God’s salvation”) has come in The flesh...we know it comes from God.
Why is this?
A demon or fallen spirit is unable to claim or inherit "God's salvation."
The fact that "God's salvation” has come in the flesh" is certainly "Good News" for all of God's creation...and "bad news" for evil spirits.
If an evil spirit confessed that, "God’s salvation has come in the flesh"...it would be equivalent to acknowledging their own defeat...rendering them powerless.
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